Having a scone at Scone

Today I set off soon after 7am to drive to Scone Palace, north of Perth, where a couple of dozen of us were gathering for a meeting of the Professional Gardeners' Guild and enjoyed tea or coffee and a scone on arrival. (For the non-Scots among you, Scone is pronounced Scoon, but scone is pronounced Scon!) We had a guided tour with the Head Gardener and then lunch out in the hot sun.

After lunch the party transferred into Perth to visit the NTS garden at Branklyn, a concentrated 2 acres of alpines and rhododendrons - a wonderful place on the edge of the town.

A good day was had by all and a quartet of us got a B&B in Perth and spent a pleasant evening together.

My extra today is just a bit of fun - probably the tallest and shortest in the party! Duncan is 6ft 8 inches and Toby is - quite a bit shorter! I was lucky to catch them standing together!

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