Blue moon

So, it's another blue moon tonight. I think there was one not long ago. There must have been, cos I'm sure I looked it up, which is why I know what a blue moon is ...

Anyway, it was another good day at work. I felt pretty productive and I've started a 'Little Ray of Sunshine' wave amongst the stars. A little certificate for a colleague with a badge saying 'star of the week' and a little pressie. No-one knows I'm doing it at school so I hope it stays that way. I just want to spread some smiles. :-)

Silly really.

So, the weekend begins. This is the view at the dog park this evening. Very pretty indeed. On my drive to work, I saw the most beautiful foggy sunrise too, which put a big smile on my face. 

Mr B is off out to a friend's house tonight, Little Miss is watching the Smurfs and the footy - simultaneously, and I'm going to jump in the bath for a relax. I'm really tired tonight for some reason. Cousteau generally lies outside the bathroom door when I'm in the bath, waiting patiently for me to emerge.

Night all.


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