Milk carton gig

The Atlantic Challenge is in full swing in Bantry. It was officially opened on saturday by the President Michael D in full and glorious sunshine. It's been downhill ever since though Bantry looks fantastic. It is full of flags and bunting, the name of the town is writ large on the hillside Hollywood fashion and boating crews lounge in the square between events. Over 300 people from 16 different countries are competing in daily gig events. I'm waiting for good weather to blip one of the boats which are lovely. In spite of the steamy drizzle it was all happening - including a circus and a funeral.
This rather fine scultpure represents one of the boats. It is made out of hundreds of milk cartons, collected by all the schools in the area. When the tide is in it looks a lot better but I quite liked the reflections. It's illuminated at night too. The swans and gulls are less than impressed.

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