Joys of nature

Don’t you just love this time of year.  Daybreak is early, the days are long and sunset is not until 9pm. The prospects were good for sunshine at least for most of the day.
And then there is lilac! The beautiful and fragrant hues of  striking blooms on trees and shrubs you’ll find in many gardens just now.
Not just lilac of course, but in this part of the world it is probably the most prevalent. Pockets of azalea and rhododendrons  present  blaze of colour that  to me at least provides one of the best tonics of the year.
Don’t get me wrong. I love the blossom on trees throughout Spring, and this year in some places as early as January. Then there are what might be regarded as the first confirmation of Spring — daffodils, primroses and crocus, followed by cherry blossom at its best.
And just now it is that magical array of colour from the bushes, shrubs and trees in gardens, and especially ornamental arrangements.

I cannot miss this particular lilac every time I leave the house. Such joys of nature which the seasons bring!

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