Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

Wood, Glorious Wood!

One of my NCWA* friends was going to Edensaw Woods in Port Townsend today, to order a large quantity of lumber, and invited me to join him. I'd been wanting to go Edensaw, and it's a scenic trip involving a ferry ride, so I was very happy to go with him.

I'd heard great things about Edensaw's lumber and plywood selection, and I wasn't disappointed! I'd forgotten that they also have a wide range of high-quality tools. I could have spent all day there.

Jerry walked around until he found the size and species of an item on his shopping list, and then got one of the forklift drivers to lower a stack down to floor level. I helped him sort through the stack to select the pieces he liked. He bought mostly cherry, with some ash and maple, and also a couple of sheets of cherry plywood. 

The process took almost two hours, and Jerry's bill was around $1800. It was more lumber than he could bring back with his pickup, and will be delivered to his shop by truck later this week .

We had a great lunch (and beer) outdoors at a restaurant overlooking the water, where we could watch sailboats, and the ferry arriving to return us to Whidbey Island.

It was a very enjoyable day!

 * Northwest Corner Woodworkers Association

P.S. What you see in the photo is just a fraction of the total stock!

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