'n Kiekie 'n Dag

By Sanri

Itchy Tuesday

Foot: Swelling is down, but the blister is still there. Bigger & more menacing than ever. It itches like hell, but I'll survive.

Day started busy but deteriorated into "can't see over the files on my desk, don't know where to start, I'm going for a pint"- day. Except for the pint, but had a glass of Chardonay in the garden after our walk to Valley Farm.

C cooked a vegetarian one-dish dinner with aubergines & gourgettes from the garden, kohl rabi & cabbage from the Harkstead Farmers Market & sweet potatoes, whole garlic cloves & onion from Tesco. All baked in the oven with a chopped tamatoes & olives. Enjoyed with Chocolatier Shiraz. Lekker!

"De wetenschap mag weten
Het wonder blijft bestaan
Ik weet maar één ding zeker
De rest mag jy vergeten
Wij komen en wii gaan"
Stef bos, We Komen & We Gaan

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