Gifts of Grace

By grace

Playing house

I’m at that deeply satisfying stage of nesting where things begin to find their more or less permanent places.  The most-used dishes and glassware and the food-stocks needed to swap cupboards.  And I’m the sort of person who needs to be able to see things at a glance or I forget they exist.  Quite a challenge in a small space but I’m delighted at the amount of storage the elves have managed to cram in.

Shelf choices for the foodstuffs revealed the current/projected logic of my eating patterns.  

Top left
Bottom shelf/easiest to reach = breakfast supplies+snacks.
Middle shelf (one step up) = cans+nibbles+drinks+the stuff of shakes (aspirational, not a habit I’ve developed yet, but it always sounds so healthy).
Top shelf (two steps up) = flours+noodles+general carby things

Top right
Flavoursome things

Bottom left
Tea cupboard/hot drinks and vaguely puddingy things.

Bottom right
The fifties step-stool that brings it all within reach of a short-arse like me.  My mother had a red one and I regretted throwing it out as soon as it was gone.  I got this replacement on eBay a few weeks back.  It has the added frisson of eBay refunding the price of it when the seller messed me about.  I didn’t even have to complain, they just decided it was a poor show and reclaimed the money from the seller.  Result.  Nice to have a big organisation look out for you.

The rest of the spices/flavourings and stocks like pulses are in easy reach in a lower cupboard.  And I seem to have miraculously freed up two top shelves.  Honestly all this had been so engrossing that I felt quite surprised when I looked at your blips and saw there was a big world going on out there.  Tomorrow - the garden.  Well, the stair plants at least.

I have my first overnight guest later in the week- there was hardly a place to sit down till now never mind to put up a visitor.  The prospect of company focusses the mind wonderfully.

I’m wondering how many times I’ll open the glassware cupboard and reach in for the teabags (and vice versa) before I learn the new locations ...

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