It's over

Weather is a bit better today, but hangovers and tiredness is widespread. The morning's keynote is decidedly sparsely populated. Still, the day seems busy enough, despite the constant trickle of departures.

I put together the "Thankyou" bags for the volunteers - a local food parcel of haggis, tattie scones, Irn Bru, Tunnock's wafers, shortbread, Dundee marmalade, Strathdon Blue, oatcakes and Scottish Blend tea ;)

Once everyone had gone, Jo & I spent a while moving everything that's left into a central location - ready for me to pick up on Monday. There's loads of fruit left - far more than I can process, so I dropped a box of bananas, a try of apples and two trays of plums off at Whitmuir on the way home. They're all from Organic World, so should find a good home.

Back at Planet Acme, Angus is almost glad to see me, having been on his own since Wednesday. He cooks me dinner and then Megan appears over the hill, having been given a lift from West Linton to Kirkurd. Claire gets back after 9:00 - we're partway through Dark Star and have already finished the popcorn. She's tired and hungry and after hastily cooked pasta it's off to bed for all.

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