One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

The social worker always rings twice

Over the years, Luca has developed a range of stalling tactics when it comes to going to bed.

The very last stage of his pilgrimage leading to the duvet is the "glass of water".
But we are very careful not to overstretch his little bladder, to make sure that he sails through the night without an accident.
And the smallest glasses that we have are a set of erotic sake glasses brought back from Japan, a memento of those days when Mrs Raheny still had the flight benefits, when she worked for the Airline.

Since we are responsible parents, we have picked the tamest of the said glasses for his pre-bed drink of water. We tried to fill it with sake but then he is hungover in the morning...

I can hear the door bell. It must be the social worker coming to take him away again. The longest they have lasted before bringing him back is 3 days. They dropped him to the house, with a letter of apology and a box of chocolates for us...

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