
By Jamjar

This photo was the only one I took today and is of what I call Cow Parsley, although I know that there are many varieties within the family. 

It was good to meet up with members of the One Step Walkers - my Ramblers group - on their regular summer Tuesday evening walk...... around Clifton, Nottingham no less.............  I know, it's amazing that there is such an event, and I'm sure that anyone who knows Clifton would agree with that!

Oh... I'm going to have a bit of a rant about M&S now. 
Three weeks ago I bought a pair of leather sandals from them and I've worn them twice, maybe three times since... and the backs of the heels (which are not leather) have got scraped... which, given that the sandals are cream coloured, didn't look too good.  So I took them back and was told that, yes, I could have a refund this time, but I should be looking after the sandals and purchasing products that could be applied to help protect the sandals from everyday wear and tear..........
WHAT!  I said. 
Do you mean that I can't expect to drive for 5 minutes to the local shops in £40 sandals without the look of them being ruined? 
Do you mean that your sandals are not fit for normal use?
Are you telling me that not only do I have to pay for the sandals, but that I should expect to pay for products that will enable my new sandals to perform in a way that I believe they should be able to anyway, without said product?

Anyway, the stats:-

6.43 miles
2 hours 4 minutes
432 ft ascent.... there aren't many hills in Clifton :-)

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