Too Slow

This is what happens when you are too slow getting the paddling pool out!! At least I'd already taken his teeshirt and socks off to put suncream on him while he was painting Daddy's boat with cornflour paint. But in that bucket, he's got his crocs on, and his shorts and pants... Squealing and yelling and laughing about sharks and boats and all sorts, later on (after he'd confessed to being really actually stuck and needed Daddy to help him get out) he came running down the garden yelling that there was a shark in there!

This morning we got downstairs to discover there was no milk in the fridge so after a half-breakfast Steve and Ben headed out to the shop for bread and milk. They came back and I was summoned downstairs to discover Steve had got coffee going and had set the table with my new pretty china and had bought large fresh croissants to have for breakfast. I have a goooood husband!!

I'd had plans to go out to the Wetlands today with Libby but sinusitis put paid to that, I still wanted to remove my face this morning and paracetamol wasn't doing a great deal. So instead we had a very gentle mooch around the garden centre for trellis and a parasol, followed by a gentle mooch around a craft store for a barbecue / firepit thing for Steve's birthday present, followed by de-camping into the garden again. Blankets and mats and the new parasol and a large bucket of water intended for the paddling pool and water guns and cornflour paint and toys and the playtent and Steve fixing the fence and dealing with the brambles.

Edit: Just remembered something that happened in the garden centre. Ben bolted at one point. This doesn't worry me a great deal usually to be honest, I know he isn't a "runner" unless he knows he's being chased, so I kind of expected him to be hiding under a table or behind some plants. After wandering round the aisles of plants a few times with no sign of him I looked up to see him with an older man. Ben saw me and piped up "there's my mummy!" Apparently he'd gone up to this man and said "I need to find my daddy." so the man was going to take him to the customer services desk to put an announcement out over the tannoy but having found me that was unnecessary! He really was going to find Steve, but Steve was the other end of the garden centre and Ben didn't tell me. Hey ho. Lesson learned for us - don't split up - but am I ever proud of Ben, not panicking, and having enough presence of mind to find someone and ask for help!


And then the shivers returned - not fun sitting in the warm needing a blanket round you to stop the shivering while you wait for the paracetamol to work. We had a really quite lovely time all of us sitting on the swing having a cuddle waiting for the painkillers to kick in!

Dinner and bed - Ben needed to chill out before going to sleep, and Charley was Simply Not Interested In Going To Sleep. Eventually, after a few circuits of the living room holding onto our fingers, some jumping and banging on Ben's drums (guess who wants to be like his big brother SO much), some chewing of my hand but not wanting milk, he finally was persuaded to go to sleep.


So we finished watching NCIS having missed all the episodes running up to this one, so we knew none of the back story at all, and then it goes and ends with "and so NCIS returns early next year....." aaaaaarrrggh!!!!! Nooooooooooo I HATE when that happens......

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