Baby Shells

Piled high on the daisies these baby shell ducks just couldn't get close enough together for warmth the air was so cold.

Sneaking the lens through the dock leaves which hid them nicely I just managed to get a few shots before they tumbled further away in their fluffy ball and out of sight.

Spookily I have had my first live mealworms delivered today. Am following in the footsteps of Sefferdog who has a lot to answer for at this stage. Hubs, although a tad sceptical at first, was stunned when he gave a few to the chickens who devoured them like lightening. A ready convert I feel.

On nearing the end of Springwatch tonight I heard the dogs barking outside and thought I'd better lock the coop door. Rounding the corner of the kitchen I was startled by a clucking - Geraldine had decided to roost on the back of a conservatory chair. 'NO NO NO!!' I very firmly said as she looked me enquiringly in the eye after I'd picked her up. Obviously .... she understood every word!

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