cherish what remains

By clothgirl

ride that train

In some ways it is hard to believe I've taken at least one, usually many more, photographs a day for three hundred straight days, I don't think I've ever done anything like this before. But, on the other hand, with the amazing example of my blip heroes and mentors etherghost and stewartbremner and the ridiculously creative community of blipfoto, it remains an easy and joyful experience. Thank you to all of you who come here and look and especially those who leave their comments, I really appreciate your kindness.

I don't have a clever 300 style blip, just a typical blip story. It has been over a hundred degrees Fahrenheit in Kansas City for the past fourteen days. One of the many consequences of this prolonged extreme (for this area) heat is that water mains, made of cast iron and laid in this part of the city in the late 1800's are snapping as the ground constricts from dryness. Consequently many roads are closed including those on the main route to my studio. I've had to use the alternate route for the past few days. The main reason I don't go this way regularly is because two blocks from my studio the road goes through a series of warehouses and crosses four heavily used railway tracks. Today trains filled with coal were traveling in both directions, I waited for fifteen minutes, which could have been annoying, but I am a blipper, you see, and therefore never waiting (and rarely annoyed). I put the car in park and started taking photos. It felt too scary to walk past the barrier, but next time I might try and get closer. The train was going pretty fast so I was very proud of myself that I managed to catch the caboose.


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