Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Tonight's sunset

It's been ages since I blipped a sunset.  Tonight's was taken from the marsh looking towards Port Carlisle.  Behind the disused harbour are the Scottish hills.  To the right of me, standing in the water was a lone haaf netter, the season started yesterday and had I got to the marsh a few minutes earlier and walked further I would have got him in the sunset shot.  The sun was red which the camera doesn't seem able to capture despite me trying different settings.

Met up with some friends at Craggs cafe today.  We sat outside with the  dogs and had a good catch up and lots of laughing.  Afterwards I took Misty and her best friend to Bassenthwaite so they could go in the water.  They had lots of fun and playtime with a huge stick.   Have put one in extras which shows how low the water level is.

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