Dog Rose...

...and dog tired!
I have not achieved or done much today! I intended to put my squash on / in the allotment - but good intentions never reached fulfillment! I did put Snowdrop in a washing up bowl of warm water and cleaned her rear end and applied more cream - there was a hard bit of something on the bulge that I thought would just be so painful if it remained - but I fear my cleaning aggravated the bulge,  hopefully now clean it may shrink right back. Otherwise she is eating well and even laid an egg - which didn't help the bulge - egg was covered in some blood too - ouch.
I have book club Friday and luckily the book came today! So after sweeping the floor of all the wood  shavings that inevitably get carried around the house whenever i have a chicken guest,  I had some lunch and sat and read it - then fell asleep! Woke not feeling very refreshed so took some photos and read some more! Allotment tomorrow?

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