Seasons Moving On

May or may not be the case :) I was quite surprised to see these all neatly rolled up today. It doesn't seem nearly like time for baling but I guess the farmer has put the last couple of relatively dry days to good use.

We have spent the evening packing up the camping stuff. You can tell you are getting old when camping involves packing up each of your home comforts in some form or another (just realised I have forgotten the radio - remind me before I go to bed)

We can no longer last a weekend with out my chamomile tea, he needs the DVD player, we need the ipad, phones are charging, cameras charging.

Separate blow up beds have been packed. This is not a reflection on the state of our marriage. More to do with pee runs in the wee sma' hours. With a double blow up bed, Mr Lif stands up to go for a pee and I am sent skyward!

Must remember to pack the potty :)

A short day at work and then off we go on our over engineered impromptu camping trip :)

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