The Siege of Kenilworth Castle

Technophobe and I were in Kenilworth this evening for our camera club meeting. We left the meeting at around 9:30 ish, and neither of us had any blips (we rarely take any photos at camera club).
We therefore made a mad dash to Kenilworth Castle, to see if we could catch the sunset. Sadly we were a smidgeon too late, but although it was officially closed hours before, we managed to get right up to the gates to get some decent views. There was a very annoying tree in the way, which refused to budge, but beggars can't be choosers. There were also a runner and a cyclist there taking some photos, but we didn't ask. They probably wondered about us too. 
We felt rather like naughty schoolgirls, dashing in and out of there after hours. "Smashy" and Grabby". 

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