BLIP 365.

I had to do this last night and post it early because I will have no time tonight after work. I also won't have the chance to spread around my ballooooon. Waaaaaaaaaa

Once I decided what I would do, this didn't actually take that long. One fireball 13 layered copies (crtl J 13 times) and a little adjustment to each one so they would look different. Then a few pics of my hand, find a filter on PS that I liked and whack it all together. Most of the work was done in the wee hours and the finishing touches this morning. I know this is more of a PS thing than a pic but hey. it's my Blipday and I'll try if I want to.

There is no real way to thank you people. I have been here in Shenyang by myself for over 8 months (with occasional visitors) and I wouldn't have survived without blip. Thank you for viewing, commenting and subscribing to my journal. I am humbled by the response to my pictures and writing. I love doing both very much.

No special occasion can go past without thanking Joe and the team for making this all possible.. This is a wonderful site and you work very hard for our pleasure.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


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