Walking the dog

I woke to be greeted by a still and cool morning. The wind and rain encountered on the drive north yesterday had stopped, and instead it was a beautiful morning. A morning that encouraged one to head out for a gentle run along the beachfront of Snells Beach. 

As is my wont, I took a number of photos as I made my way along Erceg's Way. Each new photo supplanted the previous one as the one likely to be my blip for the day.  This one survived all the later shots, coming as it did a couple of minutes before the first sight of the sun above the clouds above the Tawharanui Peninsula. The greater "drama" provided by the rising of the sun, could not replace for me the extra points of interest in this photo. To the extent that I'm not even including any as extras.

I only ran continuously for at most five minutes at a time during this return to running. I also walked. And stood still. And took photos. A pleasant morning. Shared by the dog (who decided I wasn't at all interesting enough to climb the small bank), and his owner, who walked by after we exchanged good morning greetings, and even by the distant gull.

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