The Silent Bell

Today, the Turner prize winner Martin Creed organised that there should be a ringing of bells for 3 minutes all over the country at 8:12 am to celebrate the opening of the Olympic games in London.

Needless to say I was unaware that there was to be a mass ringing of bells on the Scotsman Steps here in Edinburgh, so, having missed the event and to make amends to the spirit of things, I have blipped the bell high up on the wall in the Quadrangle of the Medical School in Teviot Place.

The fact that I couldn't reach up to pull the rope, is of no consequence, as it's the thought that counts.

The most northerly bell to be rung was Bell Spence on Skaw beach in Unst, Shetland.

Today is the thirteenth birthday of my Edinburgh granddaughter and I've just returned from a lunch with her and her Mum, daughter #1- a girlie three generation celebration for a new teenager.

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