
By avilover

Pedicularis attollens

This beauty is called Little Elephant's Head, and for good reason. If you look closely, the blooms have a nice round head, complete with Dumbo ears, curved trunks, and little eyes. The park also hosts Giant Elephant's Head, which looks very similar, though the trunks are a bit longer and the stems less hairy. Severely low water levels this year have led to an understated wildflower crop; I wasn't even sure if I'd see these species but now they're appearing in small numbers.

Elephant's Heads are in the Figwort Family, Scrophulariaceae. Like their cousins the Indian Paintbrushes, they partially parasitize other plants, so while they are tasty and edible by themselves, it is better not to eat them in case they have parasitized a poisonous plant and adopted its toxic properties.

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