Weardale House, Tickhill

I took this house in the centre of the village as I was shopping. I often past this house, and once knew one of the owners who died some years ago though never been inside. The local history society says this about the house:

Weardale is a large, red-bricked late-Victorian house on Northgate, which is thought to have been built in the late 1880s for Matthew and Charlotte Curtis. In 1887, Matthew had just completed his third term as Mayor of Manchester, but sadly died later that year in Cheshire. His widow, Charlotte moved to Tickhill and resided at Weardale for almost another 30 years; subsequent residents, pre-1939, included Messrs. A Ridgill and Edwin Robinson. Today (2009) it is split into two houses.

However the day has been overshadowed by the death of the labour MP Jo Cox, cruelly cut down in the prime of her life. It should not happen to someone pursuing their career in good faith and with a young family. It blights the day without rhyme or reason, RIP Jo.

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