Spiked Rampion

There are only 2 species of Rampion (members of the bell flower family) found in the UK. Round-headed rampion Phyteuma orbiculare, which I blipped on 10.8.13 which is rare, but locally common on the South Downs, and this, Spiked rampion Phyteuma spicatum. According to the fairytale it was the plant that Rapunzel stole which caused her to be locked in her tower, and on the continent where it is found more widely it is known as 'White Rapunzel'. In the UK it is native to East Sussex (which is where these shots were taken) and ii present in only eight sites (although there have been garden escapees in other parts of the country) it is classified as Endangered, and faces a very real risk of extinction in the wild which is why I have promised to keep this location a secret. 
I have added a further habitat shot in my extras of several of the amazing spikes standing together, as it really was a wonderful sight, and another shot of some of the spikes fully in bloom.

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