For Mum

What a wonderful day. I woke up at 0500 to sound of Gary moving and dismantling in preparation for Saturday's move. I hate loafing around in bed once I'm awake so I was happy to get up and give him a hand. I was also happy because it meant I didn't have to wake him up to take me to the Queen Elizabeth Country Park. I had to be there for 0700 to catch the free shuttle bus to Slindon College for the trail marathon which I signed up for on Monday.

I made friends with a very nice guy named Chris who is a personal fitness trainer from Kent. I also had a very enjoyable chat with these lovely ladies from Japan both while running and after the race.

The marathon itself was extremely enjoyable, despite taking a nasty tumble due to the slippery mud at the five mile mark and bloodying up my left knee and both palms. So now I have been properly Christened on my first official trail marathon. The views were magnificent. I finished fourteen minutes and fifty-seven seconds shy of my five hour goal. 

I caught the bus to Petersfield but I had one hour to wait for a train to Rowlands Castle, so I had a browse around Petersfield. I found a lovely secondhand bookshop and bought some Terry Pratchett, Alexander Kent and Patrick O'Brian novels.

I dedicate today's marathon to Mum.

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