Giving this a go...

By Debiives


500th blip today. I couldn't try and do something clever with a 500 when I knew I would see the men's Olympic road cycling race today. Unfortunately it didn't end the way it was meant to but we didn't know that at this point (although we did wonder, as the peleton was about a minute off the lead group which was bigger than you'd expect a lead group to be).

We'd sussed out a spot to watch which was near the end of the race on the way back into London. It took us 1 hour on the train, 30 min walk and then we sat by the road for 2 hours before they came. But it was worth it to see them go past. There was a decent crowd along the road (including the residents of the nursing home who were wheeled down to the end of the drive) so it was a good atmosphere. The entourage that came with them was quite impressive too. They had so many cars and police bikes with them.

I put the camera on continuous shot mode and held it in roughly the right place and panned it round without looking at it so I could watch the action properly. Got a few shots of the trees after they passed so was very relieved to see that I got 1 half decent shot.

Tomorrow it's the women's race which I think will be played very differently tactically. We've got tickets to watch it on Boxhill where they do 2 laps (the men did 9 today so it's a shame they only do 2) and there should be a really good atmosphere and there's a big screen to watch the whole race.

Thanks to everyone who leaves nice comments on my photos, it's taken a while to get to 500 and some days I don't get much looking at or commenting on other peoples' photos but I still love Blip and all of you.

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