Avian Architecture

Avian Architect

tiny bird
plucks straw,
dry grass,
pine needles
found, some
whiskers white,
or sharply black
lost and shed
from snouted
squirrels, coyotes 
raccoons, the
wild red foxes.
her beak a needle
sharply bastes,
weaves and crafts
with hair I offered
grayed by time upon
my head, snipped
trimmed, now
worked and
woven, cat hair
ticked and tucked 
to fashion wee
weightless quarters
to embrace her
clutch of
pea sized 

My guess is that this is a hummingbird nest from the tiny size. I found it under our old magnolia tree. I walked past it first thinking it was just a clump of grass from the mower, but something made me turn back and pick it up. I immediately saw my trimmed gray hair, Raspberry's ticked fur and the wild whiskers. 

For the Record,
This day came in with showers, warm temps and breaking sun. I'm organizing my natural found materials for our annual Hanover Garden Club Fairy House activity for Hanover Day Saturday. It will be a very hard day with the loss of  our friend, club member, Joan, the day after her funeral.

All hands heartbroken

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