
I have a few odds and ends left over from the May elections.

Looks like I'll be needing them.

Why Scotland voted so strongly to stay doesn't have a single answer. One is that the Scottish electorate is now much more sophisticated than it was 5 years ago, and can easily see past the lies of the Leave campaign.

I saw the leader of the ADLE group in the EU Parliament on TV only just able to hide his relief that the UK is going after 40 years of looking for special deals. Anyone who thinks the UK will have a nice cosy trade deal put in place so that the UK gets to keep all the benefits... think again.

So now that the turkeys have voted for Christmas and the lunatics are running the asylum, I'd better get ready for another referendum campaign.

I'll start by putting on the wristband.

I was impressed by the FM's press conference today for several reasons. First, she did what she can to reassure EU migrants. Second, she had to carry the whole thing off after a night which may have been totally sleepless. Third, all but one of those in the press audience are hostile and just waiting to twist her words to suit their agenda. (The exception being The National's correspondent).

So for anyone interested, here's a link.

Not Leaving

I believe the TV broadcasts of it focussed in so that the two flags weren't visible.    

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