Rural Idyll

Mid Wales on a sunny, summer afternoon.

Son No.2 ambling across a beautifully lush field of grass towards his gran.

The sun is definitely out, clouds are scudding across the sky and all is well with the world.

I managed a wild swim in the Afon Trannon, pictures of which were captured but will definitely not be shown here. They do say cameras put on a couple of pounds but is that just TV cameras?

Back to base with Mr and Mrs Untrained Eye (aka Mum and Dad) for some G&T's with Aunties Pauline and Maurine aided by Uncle John.

This picture is part of the Trannon valley, rarely on the tourist route but beautiful nonetheless. There's something about being here that restores a bit of me.

They were thinking of putting power pylons down this valley until recently. Yes, they have to put them somewhere. I would personally pay a premium to have them underground. Once we have destroyed the landscape it's much harder to restore it.

Should I worry that my wild swim was downstream of the sewage treatment plant? No, I think not..!

National Grid have announced this very day that they want to build pylons straight across this valley. What can you say?!

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