midwife crisis

By lulubelle

a working lad

We took our Swiss language student to the 'Manch' estate today, where the Irish Natural Forestry Foundation manage a large old estate. It's one of the few places old native trees can be seen, so many the others were cut down long ago. There is a very active education programme, with in interesting walks and talks about the natural fauna, flora, rivers, soil, biodiversity, bats, birds, insects, wood working & crafts and making charcoal - just to name a few.
Today saw my friend Sandra bring her cob, Henry along to demonstrate the use of single horse power in a dense woodland situation. Henry and Sandra successfully manoevered this large log out of a very tight spot to great applause. The gentle impact on the landscape, the quiet power and the touching partnership were what impressed me most about the work they did today. A lovely timeless sight to see and important one to keep alive.

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