Colour Combo

One of my favourites. 

Been a funny non-stop productive sort of day.  Started with heading to the GPs to check out a wound I got yesterday when trying to grab the cat who had followed me and the dog into the woods and then got spooked and ran into a bog.  Thought they might think I was a hypochondriac - as quite small and only a little bit manky. I was worried that it could develop into something more unpleasant as I head off island Friday for 3 days in a tent followed by a long drive to Lincolnshire.  Apparently I did the right thing and emerged having had a tetanus jab and with a course of penicillin.  Very impressed with the new GPs and of course with the less new nursing staff!

Then played a bit of catch up after the few days with a bad back and helped M mop up the flood resulting from a dodgy immersion heater.  R came back from work with a stinking cold that I'm sure she will share - am wondering if this impending trip is doomed! 

The rest of the day, as they say, is our own.

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