
By IntothewildMan

Water meadows after the Storm

It's been a busy week and photography and writing has had to take a back seat while other things happened. I seem to have been reading rather a lot of news as the political world goes into meltdown, and have been shocked by the cynicism of certain prominent politicians.I have also been mowing a lot of grass and cutting a lot of hedges, the moreso since Jane, who has been coming once a week to help in the garden, has been unable to work with a bad back. 
Internet problems continue but it is only another week or so till we switch to a new provider. Hooray.
Meanwhile I have been enjoying following the progress of Wales in the European Championship; both their football and the joyful support and singing of their fans.

The day started off bright and sunny, though rather cool. I picked some strawberries but they aren't doing well this year - too much rain and not enough sun. HL and Jess went to have their hair cut and I managed to get some hoovering out of the way and sort out a pile of boring admin tasks.
In the afternoon I went for a walk with Hanne Lene. We could hear rumbling thunder in the middle distance as we set off. The clouds to the west looked dark and ominous but I thought the storm was moving out to sea and decided not to take a raincoat. Not a brilliant decision! We walked through the grounds of Felbrigg Hall and on to the lake where we saw a minute frog, no larger than a 1p coin, hopping along the bank. Clouds gathered and every so often we saw a flash of lightning and a peal of thunder to the south. Leaving the woods we saw a pair of swans with three cygnets dabbling away and as we watched them, the first heavy raindrops fell. Wisely Hanne Lene had brought her top of the range mountain climbers rain jacket while I was reduced to huddling under a stand of chestnut trees, head down in my fleece jacket, trying to keep my camera dry! Soon the heavens opened and hail the size of pea shingle was spattering all around us. A minute or two later, a couple appeared who had lost their way and were soaked to the skin. Just as I was beginning to wonder how long the storm would continue, it stopped almost as abruptly as it began. 

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