Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Temporarily misplaced!

I was on the intermediate walk today which turned into quite an adventure. All went well at the start but we came unstuck during the morning. My good friend Harry, who may comment below, will recognise the "temporarily misplaced" epithet, since he coined it.

Our walk organiser lost the route. You can't see her in the extras, taking a bearing, because I can't upload the image. Her first compass didn't work, but she had second! We were confronted with a very steep climb along the German Austrian border. It was a pretty hillside with lots of wild flowers. At the top our route was still uncertain and we did an "interesting" walk downhill through a wood, with no sign of our path.

I find it fascinating to see how people react to challenges like this. Her default mode was to blame the poor map. Later, when she misread the timetable for the bus, she complained about the buses. Oh dear, the inexperience of someone so talented but so young...

Quote of the day: "you really can't get lost in this area".

We were drenched with heavy rain this afternoon.

Tonight's meal was even better than previous ones.

Oh yes, I nearly forgot my blip. We stopped to have coffee at a hut and this chap was enjoying a beer. He was local and not dressed up. He was a bit reluctant, but allowed me to photograph him.

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