Sneaky Peek

By SneakyPeek

Home James

Today's entry was taken at Newcastle train station this morning (apologies that it's a bit dull but I was tired) and I am now home after a fantastic weekend. I had only planned to stay over one night but decided to stay another to go and see Richard Herring's The Second Coming - Talking Cock. It was very funny and I can highly recommend it. I also learned a few things this weekend. For example, I now know what shag tats are. I now know you can have chips for breakfast and, apparently, I am the feisty one of the trio, Jules is the sensible one and Teeny is the hot one.

All in all, a good time was had by all!

You can see some more photos here.

I've just come across this little saying and thought I'd share it with you - Don't make someone a priority if they only consider you an option.

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