Eigg views..

A very fuzzy start to the day.  

Two breakfasts, lots of water, and then we headed up the hill and decided to take a walk to the Massacre Cave, where, in 1577, 395 islanders died at the hands of the MacLeod's from Skye.  

A beautiful walk along the cliffs, and we got almost as far as the cave, before the heavens opened, and there was a monsoon style rain storm, which meant we had to turn back, instead of sliding our way down to the cave.  Next time.....

We headed back to the tent, changed, dried off, and then the sun came out and it was baking hot.  An afternoon of lazing and dozing in the sun before heading back up to the hall for another evening of music, food and beer.  

My highlight was a collaboration between Kid Canaveral and eagleowl (both Lost Map Record bands), dressed as nuns, in full make up, called C***s on the Run, who did mainly a set of covers.  TLC's No Scrubs was a particular highlight, with the whole of Eigg singing along.   

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