
By stuartjross

Mad Disco Girl

I thought I might use this image on a day when I did not use a camera in anger for anything. So here it is.
This image is a screen shot of one of our topographic surveys. The narrow strips you see are corridors of concentrated spot heights recorded by RTK GPS from which DTM and then contours have been interpolated. Each small square represents one hunbdred metres on the ground and the the height range is coming up for about 400 metres. The actual shape is not prededetermined its what turns out to be required based on ground conditions and profile. The hoop at the top is the shoreline of a hill loch. The level may be raised a little to increase storage hence the survey can be used to determine storage capacity and predict the new shoreline.
However, when I look at it all I can see is a semi abstract represention of a slender female (the heels tell me female) figure performing some crazy disco dance while screaming madly in a bout of almost insane hilarity. (I can't call it the Scream because someone else has alteady thought of that and Mad Disco Girl doesn't have the same impact)
Despite the shape being formed without any artistic intent I really like it and ironically creation of something like this on purpose would be beyond me.
Next time I have blip block I will do domething similar with it draped on to Google Earth.  . 

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