
By ChrisGroucutt


Been mostly rehearsing all day, but took time out to wrestle with this geetar right here. I love this beast, a classic Ovation with the huge deep round back that is an inspiration to all its players to keep slim (because if you're not, you are in danger of the guitar being just too far away from you to actually play).

When I say wrestle.. I mean just that. Playing it is easy. But whatever possesses guitar manufacturers (not just this one), to put their battery holder right inside the guitar body where you can't get at it with strings on, is more annoying than... something really really annoying.

But I did it. After numerous contortions and gently teasing said battery out of its holder and new one in with the tips of my fingers, I actually managed it.

And yes... I know I could have just taken the strings off, changed the battery and put new strings on, but I'm a bit tight with strings and I refuse to waste a good set. After all this set have only been on for a couple of years.. there's loads of wear in them yet.

(Chill guitarists... that was a joke ;) )


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