R.I.A.T 16

Royal International Air Tattoo Fairford. It's been a super day. No need for blankets or umbrellas. The flying displays were stunning and the inimitable Red Arrows closed the show with a full display. In all the air shows we've been to over the last couple of years the cloud base has been too low so the Red Arrows have only been able to do a flat display, but very happily not so today and we were all enthralled by their brilliant performance. Will and Kate were about today but they didn't seek us out!!

Last evening in this lovely little caravan site we're staying at and it's a beautiful one, lots of sunshine and Mr T has actually managed a spot of model plane flying in the recently cut hay field next door, so instead of a Red Arrow I give you Mr T and his flying wing Sonic 64.

Home tomorrow and then off to Cornwall on Monday .... Without Matilda, we're house-sitting again.

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