a lifetime burning

By Sheol

Buying a car

Jess is home for the weekend and we have spent today trying to help her to buy a car as she will need a car for her new job.  It will not be a new car, and it will be her first ever car and new to her.  So quite an exciting day in many ways.

But it has of course meant, that we have spent most of the day talking to second hand car salesman.  A joy in anyone's book (with apologies to any blippers out there who might earn their crust by being a second hand car sales person!).  

Post Brexit, it is probably quite a good time to be buying something like a car.  Certainly, we were pleased, when having told us that he wouldn't meet our suggested offer, we received a call from the salesman some hours later to indicate that his boss had now sanctioned the deal. So Jess has her new car and all is well!

P.S. I've taken a leaf out of Hobbs book and figured out how to add a drop shadow to my image :-)  Thank you Mr H for the inspiration.

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