
Z is for Zoom

Continuing the Alpha(Bet) males - The life in my men in my life - July challenge,

Today has been zoom, zoom, zoom!

At the last minute a friend asked if I could look after their 3 children as they had to go to a presentation, and I forgot to take my camera. At 8 pm this evening I was beginning to get twitchy, by 10 pm with no sign of either parent, I was going cold turkey.
My name is Amanda & I am a blip addict.

Z, being the last day of the July alphabet I had great plans for my blip, but fortunately this little chap was zooming up the wall by the front door when I eventually got home.

I have whistled through the alphabet from Arthur to Vincent in a flurry of romantic reminiscence. Then there was a lull in the men in my life, with no W, X, Y or Z. Now once again, I need to start looking to the future....
Hang on tight we could be in for a bumpy ride!!

Thanks for all your lovely comments during July - work has had to take priority recently, but I hope to become more interactive again - very soon x

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