
Bird Bath

Elizabeth Reninger
(1963 - )

only this
matters: this ecstatic

this standing on stick-
thin legs where the singing
creek pools at the lip
of the waterfall

only this
chest diving to meet
its reflection

this beak piercing
again and again that quivering
surface, these wings half-
unfolding, a ruffle

of joy guiding rivers
of light a tumble
of droplets dressed
in rainbows along your hidden

shattering all
decorum beneath
blue branches in quiet

assent. . .

Through the glass door, this sequence I'm so glad I didn't miss. The sparrows, longing to join, the robin, taking his time, showing the way, greedily enjoying his bath with winged audience.

Just when we though things could not get any worse, we learned yesterday that C had an infection. Serious IV drugs were quickly administered as they waited for the culture to give more information. There were new worries last night when we visited, but his morning finds her sitting up, looking better. So some concerns have luckily gone by the wayside, and the antibiotics are doing their work. T and C's daughter are with her.

For the Record,
This day came in sunny, heat and humidity building.
Happy Birthday to my friend Bethanne.

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