2 years

The hottest day of the year (32.5 degrees on the car on the way home!) coincided with our Sports Day. I was alright in the caravan scoring for the 19th year in a row and the kids did remarkably well too. It was the staff who wilted and needed lots of reminders from the tannoy, not that there was all that much listening going on. 

If Sports Day was hot, cramming the whole school into the sports hall for the final assembly was even worse. Luckily all of the students were sat down and most of the staff were propping up the walls so no one was poorly. 

A few jobs to be done at the end of the day, including satisfying the demands of certain students and their parents. I'll be glad to get tomorrow done if only not to be at the beck and call of all and sundry. The heat has definitely not helped my patience!

Home via two supermarkets to get cards and gifts for helpers and leavers and then in to a very warm Bailey. He has been forced to recreate this shot for the third time having been here for 2 years today. Not that I can really remember a time before he was here. Blip No. 3 includes a new duck and the extra might be an indication that he's not as committed to this blip tradition as I am. 

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