
By ChrisGroucutt

Last day!

... and so to bed for the eldest little one. Not just the end of any day though... school broke up for him today, which marks the end of his first year at 'big' school. Year 7 in the UK... Year something-or-other in other countries :)

(Not so great for the littlest little one.. she's got two more days to go... bit harsh that.)

We also got to read his report... which was pretty amazing as it happens. Super chuffed with his hard work this year, and every teacher had nothing but praise for him. I was a little worried at first, because Mrs G read it before me, and started crying. (For real... not even joking...) The lad looked terrified.. but it was alright, she was genuinely moved with mum's pride. (I'll get months of mileage out of that one :) )

Well done kiddo... get a good night's sleep, you've got 6 weeks of fun ahead ;)


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