
Oh my gosh it was rainy and thundery today. CyclopsJnr would have got cabin fever I'm glad he was at the childminder this morning. The composition of the group today was four preschool boys and a dog and I'm told they made a den under the kitchen table. Perfect.

After that I picked up CyclopsJnr and we went to Jenn's Den. CyclopsJnr appeared quite happy with his squash and mini cheddars  (pictured) then the waitress started making a new display on the counter with Pombears and marshmallows. CyclopsJnr went over and admired them longingly. Then he went to the buggy park, located our buggy, found my purse in the pocket, took out a fiver, brought it back to the counter, and held it up to the waitress - clearly indicating he wished to make a purchase.

The waitress and I watched all this to see what he'd do, quite astounded. She asked how old he was and was surprised to learn he was only just two. 


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