An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Nocturnal Goings-on...

...and not in a good way!

Well it's almost a year since this blip so it was time for a bit of drama! Thankfully no ambulances were involved this time! This years wedding anniversary on Friday is shaping up to be as much fun as last years!

When I went to bed last night I noticed my lower right leg was swollen and blotchy. I thought it might be a reaction to an insect bite as that's happened before and has usually been ok the following moning so went to bed thinking I would fine by morning. Ever the optimist!

Woke up at 2.15am absolutely melting hot and felt as though my leg was on fire! Quick look and it was clear to see all was not right.

More swelling, more redness, lots of heat and a rash. Had similar to this before about 11 years ago after a holiday in France and turned out to be cellulitis. Phoned NHS 24 and long story short, ended up in the Out of Hours service at Perth Royal Infirmary at 4.30am! Cellulitis it is so have been given these horse pills to take 4 times a day for 7 days and have to keep my leg elevated as much as possible!

Thank heavens Marion has been here today. She has looked after me as well as Alan!

On the bright side, my immobility has given me the chance to update my blips and should also give me the chance to catch up with some of my blip pals!

Every cloud.....


Back Blips start HERE...

Spookily that hospital blip from last year is a year ago today going by the day, not the date!!!

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