Neat and tidy

Day One of the holidays so no early start required. We had quite a slow get up and a walk around the block before heading off at half nine to the groomers. Bailey had two and a half hours of being pampered and I went into work to sort my inbox and office and make a start on fettling my new classroom. I managed to fill a wheelie bin with paper and a bin bag with rubbish and strip the display boards before I got the call to collect Bailey. It'll need more work before September but it is at least cleared. 

I dropped Bailey off at home rather than leaving him in the car whilst I did a food shop; it is still far too hot. Lunch and then a bit of an afternoon snooze for both of us. 

A visit from the bestest friend and the favourite this evening before they go off on their holidays tomorrow. Bailey was delighted to see them and show off his new haircut. 

He's not been particularly willing to pose tonight. In fact, he is currently asleep between the pillows on the spare bed. So, not the greatest shot but he definitely does look tidier than he did. 

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