Lily The Pink

Quick stop off in town today to the font of all emergency blips. When in doubt go to City Park!

Day of baking parkin and oatcakes to celebrate Yorkshire Day. I won't dwell on that lest I become someone who writes about the minutiae of flour to fat ratios ( in which case you have my permission to shoot me ) but it's all bloody yummy.

Still glued to The Olympics and until that is over I am not really up for getting adventurous with my write ups or photos.

Bear with me and this too shall pass and I shall be back to normal. I say this like I am usually Queen of Blipping with a Large Dose of Write up Par Excellence ...

Well done Wiggo and the boaty people and the people with goggles.

It's all good ( and I care not a jot about the predictability of that song)

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