The Lighted Life

By Giacomo

Bzzy Bzzy.....Too Bzzy to Blip

I had hoped to sneak out of the office a bit early today and to get on the river well before sunset to blip a few scenes from there. But, just in case life would be life, I blipped a few frames of this bug as I was having my espresso in the early morning light. It turned out to be my only blipportunity of the day. My "8 hour" day proved to be 14 and additional blips became a complete dream. While I am not proud of this image and have captured much crisper macros, it was this or or nothing at all. Perhaps I should have blipped my dogs with my iPhone instead :)

Presently, my work life is not one that is entirely under my control and I have little time to blip or to be on blip. The industry that I am in is undergoing dramatic change so the last thing I will do is complain about being too busy. My best friend and team member of 20+ years was handed is "walking papers" today. My heart is broken for him but I know he will end up on his feet. He is tenascious and there is nothing that will keep him down and out.

I will not apologize to you for my absence on blip because you scold me when I do. But I offer this information up to explain why my blips are what they have been and to explain why I have had little chance to comment as I wish to, let alone to thank you individually for your amazing kindness

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