Dodgy Duo

Disturbing events prior to the AOG (Alternate Olympic Games) here this afternoon as two olly oily characters were caught using a bug in the bedroom, by the security services now employed to stop cheating and other nefarious practises! They had been under surveillance for some time as they did look to be quite shifty characters as can be seen on camera. A copy of the tape has been leaked possibly with malicious intent but as your local intrepid reporter of the up and coming Games I feel this  behaviour should be exposed so followed them and staked out the Olympic village with my camera.

A short prećis of the incriminating evidence...

‘Vladimir ........Vladimir ......just look at yourself! We will deny eeeverything!
Listen to me veeeery carefully -  I will say this only once........
Wise up; no-one gives two-hoots. 
Don’t be a pane pain - we have got away with it and I think you are still going to the Games after all if we play our cards right!

Finally rumbled in the hide this morning the dodgy duo have been arrested! 

Seriously though these two tiny Little Owls flew out of the nest and up onto the window sill waiting for their Mum to feed them. So sweet and so very cute. This was very early  and I'd done another all-nighter but very worth the experience.

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