
By cyclops

Fifteen Feet

Someone on here has posted a couple of photos that have been made to look sort of hyper-real, almost like an artists impression or computer rendering... As that person has refused to share their technique I've been playing to recreate the effect...

This image has been subjected to a brutal clarify followed by a decent wedge of contrast and saturation boost, with a strong unsharp mask thrown in to finish off. I think it achieves the effect I was looking for, which is an image that you do a double take at while trying to work out if it is a photograph or a drawing/graphic... What do you think?

As for the subject, it's more of a bridge than a tunnel but there's definitely light at the end of it, and it definitely isn't a train coming the other way. Maybe that bodes well for the rest of the day?!? The title refers to the (only just legible at blip scale) sign warning that the bridge has headroom of 15 feet.


Thank you very much for all your comments on my self-portrait yesterday - I'm glad I did it now!

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