
By Serap

16 months

Amber is turning into a real jester - she loves to make me laugh, and here she is, pulling silly faces at me through the patio doors. Fellow blipper Planko is here, visiting Aphrodite Hills at the moment, and he and Mrs Planko popped over for a visit this morning - it was lovely to see them. I feel like I've got a lot out of Blip, but of course, much more so in those first couple of years, when I blipped everyday, and took the time to look at and comment on other people's blips. That's how I met people such as Planko, and I feel very grateful for the site and the experience I've had, but I just don't have the appetite for it any more (quite obviously!), so I'm going to finally say goodbye, and make this my last blip. I do post on Instagram and my name is serapdelight, so please come and find me, if you're also an instagrammer. It's certainly no Blipfoto, but I like that I don't feel like I need to be so committed to it. I always was a bit of a commitment-phobe... not sure how I ended up married with a baby!
Serap. xx

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